Hey All,
Nasiri, 2017

I thought I’d take a minute today to let you in on a little secret.  Sounds Like Health is NOT just about sound instruments and tools for health and well-being.


I believe in the WHOLE-ness of a person.  That includes body, spirit, energy, mental status and well-being in general.  It also includes being attuned to your physical environment and how that might be affecting you on a personal level.


Because this is my philosophy, you will see posts from me that include everything from sound instruments and healing techniques to poetry.  I include some astrological and numerology information to include the cosmos as that definitely effects our day to day lives.


Think for a minute about the moon cycles and the tides.  Everyone knows that on the full moon the tides are higher than other times of the month.  Why is that?  Because the moon is closer and the electromagnetic effect is pulling the water out in a bulge towards the direction of the moon.


How does this relate to you?  Seriously??


Women get monthly menstrual periods and the full moon can and will affect that.  You might notice a heavier flow.  You might notice that ‘bulge’ in your lower abdomen in the form on water weight gain.  You might notice a rhythm to your cramping.


You can suffer in silence.  Ya right!  We ARE women correct?  Or you can do some things to help yourself.  You might take a pain reliever for the cramping and bloating.  You might use a heating pad on your belly.  You might lay down.  You could take an Epsom Salt bath with some essential oils to help you relax and de-stress.


And contrary to popular belief, the moon cycles affect the men and children in our lives too.  It affects your mood.  Have you noticed people acting crazy at the full moon?  Have you noticed shorter tempers or more acting out?


So what can we do with sound to help?


You can HUM!  Do you remember as children we were always making sounds?  Listen to your own children and you will see that they are rarely quiet.  They are laughing, chattering away, singing or humming.


When you were a child you hummed.  It is one of the easiest ways to balance your entire system and you can do it anywhere without tools.  Your voice is your tool.  Your body is your speaker or resonator.  Take a minute with me right now and hum.  You can hum with your mood – happy or sad.


The benefits of humming are HUGE!  It helps to balance and align the bodies (all of them).  It helps you to feel good.  It vibrates your internal bodies (big and small) and releases stagnation.  It can change your mood.


You can do it in public.  Others might join you in humming.  You can go incognito with humming and do it softly so no one notices.  Or you can loudly hum to invite others to join you.  You can hum a known tune or make one up.  You can be creative with your humming!


I will always try to include something that relates what I’m sharing back to sound and well-being or WHOLE-ness of being.  But that might not always be the case.  Sometimes I might just put a poem that I wrote up for you to share in that experience with me.


I will definitely continue to share and hopefully some of that will be helpful to you.


Maybe it might even invite you to share some of the things that you don’t often share with others too.


Thanks for being with me today.  I’ll post a humming video shortly.


Blessings on your head…




If I Were Happy …

If I were happy …


My wild peals of laughter would bring a smile to the face of all within hearing distance …

… unhindered teeth … flashing smiles.


My heart would and will wake with a song …

No matter the weather –

The location –

the economic climate –

who is beside me …


My eyes will magically be drawn to smiles – like magnets –


My ears will magically attune to GIGGLES, CHUCKLES, GUFFAWS, and HEE HEEs and HAA HAAs.


Is that sound waves crashing on a shore??



Happy New Year

I for one am not sorry to see 2016 fall away!  It was NOT a good year for me in so many ways.  And it was an AMAZING year for me in so many other ways.  Most people I’ve talked to feel the same way.


I connected with a friend recently who said she was having the absolute worst time of her life!


I’m sure a statement like that is not easy for someone to make.  It wasn’t easy for me to say what I said either.


I think that is a subsconscious cry for help.  I’m excited when I think about that.  I know you might think I’m crazy right now… but stick with me for a minute.


Doesn’t that mean that we are coming out of our silos of individuality and asking for help when we need it?


How long have we kept our challenges and difficulties a secret from our families or those that we love and love us?  It might have come from a desire to ‘save’ them from worrying about us.  It might have come from the place that they can’t do anything to help us and they’ll want to.


(although I don’t think that is really it.)  If we know anything it is that our loved ones really DO love us and will help us if they can.  Too often our own judgments about what that might look like stop us from asking for help.




When people ask me how I am, I’m going to tell them the ‘uncanned, unedited version’ of how I’m doing.  (HA, HA)  They might get more than what they asked for, but if anyone wants to offer a hand, they will be able to do so.


I read an article about resolutions vs. intentions or themes for the coming year.  I made a .pdf of mine and it is attached here for you to witness.

2017 book


It feels good to me.  I’ve already started to focus on being happy for a time every day.  I like journaling with colored markers so I’m doing that.  I’m a poet and I’ve posted a poem that I wrote New Year’s Day.  I’ll be posting more of them.  I also like the audio of my poems as then you get the rhythm and sound of the energy of the poem.  You’ll have to let me know what you think.


For folks who don’t know numerology, a 1 universal year is arrived at like this…

2017 = 2+0+1+7=10=1

Some of my favorite websites for numerology and astrology are:

www.numerologist.com and www.karisamuels.com


Let me know what you think?
