I remembered a conversation with Gary where he suggested I cross my ankles during the sound and vibrational sessions on the Lounge. I thought it was funny because it went against everything I was doing in my own personal sessions with clients. I would ask people to uncross arms and legs for energy flow. This gave me a chance to connect with them psychically and read their energy field as a High Self Channel. (I teach this class). It also allowed the energy being released to easily flow out of the body and the field. For me, this was contraindicative to what I’d been doing for the last 25 years with energy work. I’m nothing if not an adventurer!
How about you? What have you done adventurously with sound and vibration lately?
I digress.
The first session I chose to do was the one I was interested in doing with my form of sound and vibrational therapy with Veterans…for PTSD. On the Reststation Lounge this was a 30 minute treatment. My intention was set to experience the treatment and evaluate it from my perspective as sound practitioner and teacher. Additionally, what way I would treat someone and experience the Lounge for what it offered and write about it.
I decided when I finished the session, I would sit and make my notes before I moved.
I did as instructed. I shut off the lights, got a blanket, chose the appropriate program, put on the headphones, adjusted the volume and vibration, placed the neck pillow, put my hands palms down on the Lounge and crossed my ankles. Then I pushed play.
This first session for PTSD – I fell asleep! I woke up an hour and a half later! I don’t remember much of anything and will try again later and document those results.
However, in my long experience as a sound and vibrational medicine therapist I know when someone has fallen asleep during a session they are receiving the healing on a much deeper level and passing the conscious mind in the process.
What you don’t know is I had recently been in the hospital for a pinched nerve in my neck and severe migraines going on 3 weeks. This was still happening when I did this session. The medical community is talking about steroid injections in my head and neck.
I’m talking about sound and vibrational alternative medicine. And that doesn’t mean sticking needles in places I don’t want them; injecting pharmaceuticals into my body in places I don’t want that either.
I can almost hear folks who’ve done things like this and found relief. I’m not judging you or calling this procedure wrong. All I’m saying is there’s another way to treat things as a whole person. That is all part of what this exploration is about in my humble opinion.
More coming …