Category Archives: well-being

GRATEFUL A Love Song to the World


A Love Song to the World

Published on Nov 26, 2013

Freely Download the “Grateful” song and Full album as a gift from nimo at:…

Musicians Nimo Patel and Daniel Nahmod brought together dozens of people from around the world to create this beautiful, heart-opening melody. Inspired by the 21-Day Gratitude Challenge, the song is a celebration of our spirit and all that is a blessing in life. For the 21 Days, over 11,000 participants from 118 countries learned that “gratefulness” is a habit cultivated consciously and a muscle built over time. As a famous Roman, Cicero, once said, “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.” This soul-stirring music video, created within a week by a team of volunteers, shines the light on all the small things that make up the beautiful fabric of our lives.

Where the Heck Have I Been?

Hi Everyone!

I know I haven’t posted anything on my own websites in a long time.  I’ve missed you.  You might be wondering what I’ve been up to?

I was working with the website and became the new Managing Director.

I’ve also been building up my social media presence and accounts.  All of these things take time.  You might wonder why?  I’m trying to get the word out there!!

You see I have a vision to change the face of healthcare in the world.  Some might think that is pretty grandiose.  I think it is necessary.  With the current healthcare system which is extremely expensive and not available to all, something has to change.  I’ve spent the last two years working with hospitals, doctors, red tape and technology.

I’ve been working with and experimenting with sound and vibration for healing intentions for years.  I’m my own guinea pig and I am not a doctor or work with a hospital.  And seriously, I don’t want to after all the red tape, prescriptions for opioids, and suggestions for treatments when the real problem is undiagnosed.  I think there are better ways to attain health through the treatment of the whole person.  I think western medicine is missing a big piece and has for a long time.

On the other hand, eastern medicine treats the whole person:  the owie (injured body part), the mind (what were you thinking about when it happened) and the spirit (the energy about the whole event in your field).

I agree wholeheartedly with this approach.  I’ve even discovered in my years of research (over 25 years) and working with clients that things  which happened a long time ago can gather in your energy field and reflect in current injuries you are experiencing now on a repeated basis.  Reference:  right knee replacement ACL (forgiveness/male side energy).

I’m back to regular blogging and posting on my social media accounts again.

I’ve got an exciting journey to share and I hope you will take it with me.

What exciting thing is happening in your world right now?



The Meaning of Life?

Yesterday I helped my friend Judy by driving her to physical therapy.  When we got back to her house, I noticed this hanging on the wall.


I think it is an extremely pertinent question for consideration!!    Please share your comments.



Is there anyone besides Judy and I who see the humor in this?  Please let me know.

Cold or Flu Got A Hold On You? “Sound” Sense

January is when you really start to notice colds and flu are everywhere.  People are coughing and hacking.  They are out sick.  Kids are miserable.  There is a run on tissue at the supermarket and drugstore.  Tips of noses are redder than usual.  Eyes are looking a little glassy from over the counter cold/flu medicine.  Does it look like this outside?
Baby It’s Cold Outside!

There are ways to support your immune system with sound and tuning forks and I’ll talk about that in a minute.  There are also lots of products out there.  If I’m being honest, I start with the alternative products.  However, if I don’t get better very quickly or stop it in its tracks, then I’m reaching for the first thing that is going to make me feel better.  Here I mention some over the counter products that I’ve found to work really well over the years (very few).  Then I talk about some alternative products (preference) and lastly, focus on providing sound support with tuning forks (preference) and other sound tools.


Over The Counter Remedies

A product I swear by is Alka Seltzer Plus Cold/Flu.  It works!!  That’s all I need to know when I can’t breathe, am coughing my brains out, ache all over and can’t get out of bed…yet have too.  This acts like a superpower and gets me up and out.


Flonase is another one.  When I have the allergy symptoms and my head is so stuffed up, itchy eyes or runny nose, this works.  And it works for an extended period after initial dosage, which is awesome.


I’m partial to Airborne if I can catch it early enough.  You have to take this at the first tickle.  Seriously.  If you are going to travel, take it before you go and keep taking it while you are around all those folks who are coughing and hacking.


Another good idea to start taking on a regular basis is Emergen-C.  This will increase your vitamin C and minerals.  If you’re like me and can’t drink orange juice, then this is a good source.



Non-Traditional Products

Products that are healthier for you to use and easier on the environment:


Thieves, Essential Oil

Thieves essential oil is a product that contains clove, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus radiata, and rosemary.  You can get it at or Young Living Essential Oils. (If you are ordering, my number is Distributor #1111320)


I have a cup of hot water with thieves oil in it at the door to my house.  When you come into my home, I have an entry room with plants and then you step into the kitchen.  On the counter above the sink is where my thieves oil/water mix sits.  Thieves will neutralize germs.  That way anyone who walks in with a cold will have their germs neutralized in my house.


I remember last year when my daughter came to visit and she was pretty sick with a cold.  I put a small bowl of Thieves oil and water next to where she was sleeping.  She felt better the next morning and her symptoms were much better in two days.


I’ve also put Thieves oil in a bowl or pan of hot water and inhaled it with a towel over my head.  You have to be careful with Thieves.  If you put it on your body directly, it can be too hot and burn.  For instance, I thought I’d try it under my nose.  My nose was running a lot and the steam with Thieves helped.  So I thought, well maybe if I put a drop under my nose that will help more.  Don’t do it!!  It works in the water because it is diluted.  Full strength will burn your tender nasal passages.  You can dilute Thieves in essential oil or olive oil/avocado oil as a base carrier to put on your body.  I tend to use coconut oil for things like this too.


When I travel, I take a small spray bottle with drops of thieves in it and water.  I spray my hands and spray my energy field with it.  This works better and is healthier for you than hand sanitizer.  Sanitizer contains a lot of alcohol and can raise havoc with your skin especially in the winter time.  I call it my “protection spray”.  The really good part of it is the way it smells.  It smells like cinnamon and baking.


Another great product is Rescue Remedy.  You can buy this at most health food stores.  It works for people and animals.  The main effect I notice is that it calms me down and gives me a greater sense of well-being.  Very helpful for stress.  I don’t know anything more stressful than not feeling good and having to function as if you are!


I also recommend Epsom Salt Baths.  It helps to remove toxins and nothing feels like a hot bath when you can’t seem to get warm.


Forks for Immune System Balancing and Energizing

When I’m getting ill, the first thing I want to do is provide support for my organs, glands and immune system.  I’ll do an endocrine tune up using Om Unison or Om Octave tuning forks.  You can also use Otto tuning forks for this.  The endocrine glands are Pineal, Pituitary, Thyroid, Thymus, Islets of Langerhans (Pancreas), Adrenals, Gonads or Ovaries.  I’ll tend to spend longer on the Thymus (helps the immune system), and Adrenals.

OM octave

The Om forks (or Otto) are for balancing and grounding.  When I’m sick, I don’t even want to be in my body.  I tend to sleep a lot.  I think that’s so I can leave my body and travel on the astral plane and feel good vs. sick.  Om forks will help to ground me in my body and provide balancing support for those systems that are ‘out of whack’ due to my cold/flu.


I also want to provide support, so I’ll work directly on some of my organs.  I’ll use New Moon 6th (C&G) which creates an opening and Om Unison or Om Octave for balancing and grounding.  I’ll focus on providing support for my kidneys, liver, lungs and spleen.


Solar 7 forks will provide heat, help to dry up mucus, provide spleen and adrenal support.

Solar 7 forks

It will help:

  • the circulatory system,
  • any disorders due to where you live and lack of light (seasonal effective disorder),
  • to strengthen the immune system,
  • to eliminate cold symptoms.
  • If you are experiencing a lack of energy it will help with this;
  • as well as arthritis which tends to get worse in the winter months.


Lastly, I would use Mars and Venus forks.

Mars/Venus Forks

Mars/Venus is representative of the masculine/feminine balance.  The vibration of Mars helps with blood, the head, muscles, inflammation, male hormones and the immune systems. Venus helps with balance and proportion. Venus rules copper and is associated with kidneys, bladder, parathyroid, glands, anti-inflammatory action, and female hormones.  I’d be using these forks to restore and rejuvenate, to bring back balance between the male/female and giving/receiving.  I’d tend to use these as I start to feel better.


What do you do when you are feeling under the weather?  How do you help yourself to feel better?  If you have a chance to try any of the above things that I do and use, please let me know?  I’d love to hear about your experiences.  Do you have a product that you swear by?  Please share it with us if you do.



Messages From the Universe OR Is There a Divine Power?

Have you ever felt like your prayers are not being answered?

Have you ever felt like no matter how much you ‘talk to the universe’, pray, lament, beg or ask that no one is hearing you?

I’ve felt this way before.  There were times I felt like no one was listening and no one was certainly stepping up to help me.

I’m not a patient woman.  There, I’ve owned it.  Those of you who know me, are probably laughing right now and thinking, “That’s an understatement if I ever heard one.”

The funny thing is I’m much better than I used to be!  This is something I’ve worked on for years.  And I AM much better.

Anyway, one day after ‘talking to the Universe’ (my version of praying) for a long time about something really important, I lost my cool.  I was outside and alone.  A good time for a rant in my opinion.  So, I had my rant with the universe.  I questioned everything … including hearing (as in CAN YOU HEAR ME?), judgment, stinginess, extravagant measures for mean people, hurting people with deaths and illnesses that looked and felt wrong…

After I let it all out, I was ready to listen.  So I found a big rock, a peaceful spot and opened my heart.  I really wanted some answers.  People want to believe.  They just need encouragement.

A Quiet Spot, Reflection, Going with the Flow

My conversation with the Universe went something like this …

“Universe, I know that you exist.  I believe there is a power of Divine Being in the Universe that is the Creator.  I’ll just call you Universe and let go of all religious dogma around that.  

I believe that you are benevolent.  I believe there is a Divine Plan.  I’d just like to get a clue as to what it is for me!

So, if you could give me my messages in threes during the course of one day, then I would know that you are actually answering my prayers.  After all, if it is ‘3 times for the normal mind’ and I’m human with a brain, it seems like a logical request.

For clarity, please give me my messages from the Universe in threes (3s) during the course of one day.  The how of those messages is not up to me.  My job is to recognize that I’ve seen/heard/tasted/touched that message three times today.  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

It was funny.  I felt like I had set something important in motion.

Little did I know.  A few hours later, I had my first message from the Universe … in threes!  I had asked for guidance on a specific issue.  I heard something on the radio, just 3 words … “go get it”.  I don’t even know what the rest of that message was.  I just heard that part.  Then about 20 minutes later, I saw a sign outside a store with an arrow that said “go get it”.  Now I’m thinking I just heard that on the radio.  I parked my car and was heading inside a building and a woman walked by me with a child and said, “As soon as we get home, you need to just GO GET IT.”

It stopped me cold.  I had just heard that phrase GO GET IT three times in the space of an hour.  Tears started rolling down my face.  I was shocked.  I was filled with gratitude.  The Universe DID answer my requests…and quickly.  I wasn’t listening in the right way.  The answer to my question (prayer) was GO GET IT.  Undeniable and clear!  It completely rocked my world!  I was filled with joy and gratitude.

I think that is the important part.  How are you listening to the Universe (God) in your life?

Have you used a method like this in the past to hear your messages?

Can you share an example?

Or, are you like I used to be?  Do you think that there is no one or no thing out there?  No God?  No benevolent being?  No Master/Mistress of the Universe?  No Lord/Lady of Love?

I invite you to try my method.  If you do, all I ask is that you leave a comment and let me know what your experience was with this.

Remember the message can be from anywhere – radio, TV, print, a sign (really) a piece of a conversation you hear – and usually from a place you least expect it.  If a universal being wanted to speak with you, it would have to use whatever method of sound or print to get your attention that it could.

I can’t wait to hear all about it.

What Just Happened? Good or Bad? Neutral?

The other day we had a break in the frigid temperatures, and I took a walk downtown Littleton.  It’s just about a mile each way and I needed some fresh air.


I was starting to feel like a hermit!


About 5 minutes into my walk, I started questioning my judgment as the sidewalks weren’t shoveled and the roads were pretty slushy.  It was not easy walking.


Then I saw this:

In the Pink!!


Seeing this in the middle of snow and slush reminded me that what is happening around us is temporary.  It’s in the moment and has the capacity to change … in the NEXT moment!


I think we lose sight of that when our immediate circumstances are upsetting or dis-empowering (in our mind).  I say that because honestly the circumstances or events are just that.  It is our interpretation of them that effects us on an emotional level, and either creates the drama or fear, or happiness.


When circumstances happen around me that could be perceived in a ‘bad’ way … like getting fired, being in an accident, getting a huge bill, someone gets sick, etc…

I intentionally move ahead in time.  Yup, you heard me right.  That is one of the times when I leave the present moment and move ahead on my personal timeline to a future moment.  Specifically 6 months ahead of this event.




Because I realize from the past when something appears to be bad it usually isn’t.  If you go ahead 6 months in your life, you would be looking back and saying, “What a blessing this was!”  If that incident didn’t happen, I would not have been available for this … or I would not have been able to do this … or I would not have met ‘so and so’…


Then, I make a conscious decision to not judge this event as BAD and to just sit with it.  Not as easy as you might think to enter a space of ‘no mind’.  At first, I couldn’t get to a place of blessing either.  So, I worked on no mind.  No thoughts about this as good or bad.  It just IS.  I remove the energy associated with this event.  Other people’s emotional energy or my own has to go.  Neutral.  No thoughts.  No reactions.  No fears.


Once you get to this spot, then the next step is the blessing part.  That might take a little more work on your part.  It did for me.


Just remember, this too shall pass.  Spring is around the corner.  You are the manifestor of your world.  Thoughts become things!  Choose wisely.

Creative Expression – Journal

I encourage you to be creative in your expression.  Whether that’s verbal, print, art or the written word.  Here is a sample of how I journal.

I started doing this 16 years ago.  I realized I could use the colors to express my emotional status when journaling.  I could have fun with what I was writing.  It seemed to more accurately reflect what I was feeling in my writing and the thoughts I was expressing.


Journal Page, Nasiri Suzan



Hey All,
Nasiri, 2017

I thought I’d take a minute today to let you in on a little secret.  Sounds Like Health is NOT just about sound instruments and tools for health and well-being.


I believe in the WHOLE-ness of a person.  That includes body, spirit, energy, mental status and well-being in general.  It also includes being attuned to your physical environment and how that might be affecting you on a personal level.


Because this is my philosophy, you will see posts from me that include everything from sound instruments and healing techniques to poetry.  I include some astrological and numerology information to include the cosmos as that definitely effects our day to day lives.


Think for a minute about the moon cycles and the tides.  Everyone knows that on the full moon the tides are higher than other times of the month.  Why is that?  Because the moon is closer and the electromagnetic effect is pulling the water out in a bulge towards the direction of the moon.


How does this relate to you?  Seriously??


Women get monthly menstrual periods and the full moon can and will affect that.  You might notice a heavier flow.  You might notice that ‘bulge’ in your lower abdomen in the form on water weight gain.  You might notice a rhythm to your cramping.


You can suffer in silence.  Ya right!  We ARE women correct?  Or you can do some things to help yourself.  You might take a pain reliever for the cramping and bloating.  You might use a heating pad on your belly.  You might lay down.  You could take an Epsom Salt bath with some essential oils to help you relax and de-stress.


And contrary to popular belief, the moon cycles affect the men and children in our lives too.  It affects your mood.  Have you noticed people acting crazy at the full moon?  Have you noticed shorter tempers or more acting out?


So what can we do with sound to help?


You can HUM!  Do you remember as children we were always making sounds?  Listen to your own children and you will see that they are rarely quiet.  They are laughing, chattering away, singing or humming.


When you were a child you hummed.  It is one of the easiest ways to balance your entire system and you can do it anywhere without tools.  Your voice is your tool.  Your body is your speaker or resonator.  Take a minute with me right now and hum.  You can hum with your mood – happy or sad.


The benefits of humming are HUGE!  It helps to balance and align the bodies (all of them).  It helps you to feel good.  It vibrates your internal bodies (big and small) and releases stagnation.  It can change your mood.


You can do it in public.  Others might join you in humming.  You can go incognito with humming and do it softly so no one notices.  Or you can loudly hum to invite others to join you.  You can hum a known tune or make one up.  You can be creative with your humming!


I will always try to include something that relates what I’m sharing back to sound and well-being or WHOLE-ness of being.  But that might not always be the case.  Sometimes I might just put a poem that I wrote up for you to share in that experience with me.


I will definitely continue to share and hopefully some of that will be helpful to you.


Maybe it might even invite you to share some of the things that you don’t often share with others too.


Thanks for being with me today.  I’ll post a humming video shortly.


Blessings on your head…




Bringing 2016 to a Close and Celebrating New Moon, 12-28-16

As we are in the final days of 2016, I invite you to create some space to review the past year, if you haven’t already done so.


Typically, I do this by creating some time and space to honor:
– who I was this past year,
– the lessons I learned,
– to honor the things I willingly or grudgingly released,
– and to celebrate the magic and successes!


You might be wondering why? Because it is the best way I know to move forward for the next year. If I’m still stuck on something in 2016, how can I creatively move forward in 2017?


The new moon in Capricorn (today) is about business and finance! I think that is perfect timing to think about 2017. If you have your own business, what do you want to manifest this coming year? 2017 is a universal 1 year, new beginnings and also the first year of the next 9 year cycle.


If you work for someone else, you can still set your goals for this coming year at your job. Where do you want to be by the end of the year? What kind of things do you want to be recognized for this year? What do you want to remember as your greatest accomplishment or success?


In my life coaching business, I would be asking you for specific information about what you want to manifest … a timeline, as many details as you can imagine. I prefer to do this by using my imagination and visualizing an amazing year for myself and what that looks like for me.  I would usually start at the end of the year and what was I reflecting on as my successes.


Then, I’ll pick up a pen and put it into form by writing it out. Then I might add it on my calendar with ‘to do’ dates to accomplish the things that I ‘saw’.


This will help to keep you on track and moving forward. Do yourself a favor… pick 3 things to accomplish. If you do a whole list, you might get overwhelmed. If you pick three things and give yourself a reasonable amount of time to accomplish them you have a much better chance of success.


The other thing I want to ask you to do is to take time to relax.  Right now, before the end of the year.  Slow down physically, mentally and energetically.  Mercury is still retrograde, so double check your work.  Take a break.  Take a nap.  Review written communication.  Finish old projects.  Say goodbye to those people, places, and things that have completed their cycle with you.


An amethyst will help your mental and emotional clarity.


Wishing you a successful year in review and an amazing New Moon Intention Manifesting Moment!!!