Tag Archives: journal

My Journey as a Sound Therapist With the RestStation Lounge (17)

My next session with the RestStation Lounge …

Anger Management – Duration 20:45

I chose this session because I often get angry driving and have pretty bad road rage.  Lately I’m angry at a lot of things; like how the price of everything is going up – insurance, gas, groceries, rents, flights, food, clothing – most of what a person needs to survive much less thrive.  The problem is salaries are NOT going up and companies are demanding so much more from employees without giving them adequate raises that many people are suffering just trying to make ends meet.  Can you relate to what I’m talking about?


I struggle with patience and releasing this anger at times.  As a therapist, I have lots of tools to help me manage and release this and sometimes it just gets overwhelming.  Do you know what I mean?


When working with sound as a therapist, I work with the liver to release stagnant energy (anger) in the body.  It helps to keep me calmer.  I was curious if the Lounge would do the same thing.


It didn’t.  At least not in the same way as tuning forks would do so. Although I didn’t feel anything specifically in the liver, I found the vibrations and frequencies to be very relaxing.


I was actually quite startled when the sound and frequency treatment stopped.  It pulled me back very strongly from a place the sound and vibration took me.  I was very surprised because I didn’t feel like I had gone that deep;  but I obviously had.


I decided to balance the first session with a second session at the same time to treat another level of the physical body by lifting depression in the emotional body as well.


Lifting Depression – Duration = 20:01

I laid back down on the Lounge after recording my notes from the previous session, set the next one I wanted to do and laid back down.


The session started fine, but within 3 minutes my computer shut down again.  Without boring you with the details here, I tried several times with the same results and was unable to get everything working again.  My laptop kept shutting down and I got nervous about damaging it as I need it for my work.


At that point, I contacted Gary Ferguson to see if anyone else had any of these difficulties with the Lounge and if there was anyway it could damage or short out my computer.  Gary reassured me that the Lounge could not do such a thing; and the laptop was only providing the sound and vibration through a receiver to the Lounge through a USB cord.  Additionally, with thousands of Lounges in circulation, no one had experienced anything like what I was going through.


For further information on the RestStation Lounge, please contact me using the form below and I will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.

My Journey as a Sound Therapist With the RestStation Lounge (16)

My next session with the RestStation Lounge…

Healing Regeneration and Wound – Duration = 29:49

I started this session with my legs crossed, left over right and could feel vibrations strongly in my calves.  From there, it went to my back behind my heart very strong.


I could feel it resonating down my legs and across my mid-back the strongest.  I reached the same spot on the sound/frequency program and the system popped and shut down.  Twice.


The first time, I thought it was some kind of glitch and maybe I had set things up incorrectly.  I couldn’t figure out how, because it is very straightforward and simple to set up and connect to your electronic device.


I was using my laptop and it shut off my computer both times.  I went through all the motions to get it back up and running and in the same spot it did it again.


I give up today.  I don’t believe in coincidences, so I will try again tomorrow and see if the same thing happens again.


My Journey as a Sound Therapist With the RestStation Lounge (15)

My next session with the RestStation Lounge:

Hypothyroid – Duration = 21:17

Having been previously diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I thought this might be a good session for me to help heal that issue.  If you have this condition, you know it has many, many effects that are unpleasant from extremely dry skin to hair loss, to lack of sleep or constant exhaustion to just name a few.


At first, I just enjoyed the vibrations coming from the Lounge.  I had automatically crossed my ankles left over right this time.  Within the first two moments of laying down on the Lounge, I could feel the vibrations in my thyroid.


The vibration itself seemed more centered in my hips/legs in the physical Lounge; but I could REALLY feel it in my throat.


It was like it skipped over everything in between and went directly to where it was needed the most to bring my body back into resonance.  I fell asleep.

RestStation Lounge

What a lot of people don’t realize when it comes to thyroid issues is it can become pretty common in men when they reach their early fifties.  In some cases, men even younger.  Many men don’t think of this as a medical issue which can affect them, as it is considered more of a female disease or problem.


Whether you are male or female, having hypothyroidism can be very challenging on a physical level when trying to meet the demands of your life.


I will be doing this session more often to see the long-terms effects I notice on a physical level.


If you would like more information about the RestStation Lounge, please use the contact me form below to express your interest.  I’ll follow-up with you as soon as I get the contact.

My Journey With the RestStation Lounge (14)

My next session with the RestStation Lounge:

Healing Regeneration and Wound – Duration:  29:49m

I thought this would be a good follow-up to the previous session.  As I mentioned before, when I remove something from my energy field with sound therapy, I replace it with a higher vibrational frequency (strength, joy, etc.)


Muscle Pain and Wound and then Healing Regeneration seemed to doubly reinforce the intention for me.


What the intention is for your session and experience is a very important part of any treatment in my opinion.


I did not use the neck pillow this time as I wanted to see if I felt it more in my head.  I didn’t really notice any difference with or without the neck pillow.


But here is what I did notice.  I noticed the vibration was stronger in my left leg, hip and lower back than the right side.  The right side was also where the migraine was previously.  When the vibration focused at my lower back, it was more balanced on both the right and left sides of my body.


I felt different pain releases in my legs and chest and neck at different times during the session.  As the music and frequency changed, my body responded in different ways.


I ran energy in my field to help even things out and it did.  I realized I breathe better at the ocean, because whenever I heard those sounds I instinctively started to take deeper breaths from my abdomen.


After this session, I realized I needed to lay down and take a brief nap to really let things settle out.  When I woke up about an hour later, I felt really good and went about my day.


For more information on the Lounge, please visit my research center location at:


Or complete the contact me form below with your interest.

My Journey With the RestStation Lounge (12)

My next session with the RestStation Lounge:

Energize and Re-Charge – Duration = 32:08


The energetic part of this treatment was immediate for me.  First the waves which I think calm most people, as it establishes an emotional connection with relaxation, the beach, stress release and release of negative emotion.


When listening, I could feel the sound filling places which had released earlier either physically or emotionally.  I think one of the most important things as a sound therapist to notice is what is invited into those released spaces?


When you do a sound and vibrational session with someone to clear something from their field, do you then invite a new energy in to fill that space?  Or do you leave it?  If so, how long before you or your client has taken back on the issue that was originally released?


I invited re-charge (or what I call reset) and re-energized those spaces that previously held dis-ease or lack of resonance in the body.  For instance, if I clear and release stress, then I would invite peace or serenity or acceptance to energetically fill the empty space in my field.


I find this helps in NOT taking back on the energy of what you released in a session either with yourself or a client.


What do you do?


One of the great things about the RestStation Lounge (and there are several) is that it is set at zero gravity.  When you lay on it you are in a space of total comfort and held without any participation on your part.  You can also connect to other sound healing attunements that are available on YouTube and run them through the lounge.


It comes with access to lots of programs and I’ve been working through those; but I just briefly listened to a sound and vibrational healing for inflammation on YouTube and ran it through the Lounge.


The really exciting thing was that it picked up the frequencies and vibrated them through the Lounge along with the sound.  I was very impressed with this capability and the experience.  I was also very excited at what that meant on another level.  Not only did I have access to all the programs through


but this meant I also could access thousands of other sound and frequency healing sessions available on YouTube as well.


That literally put thousands of sessions at my fingertips for myself, veterans and my other clients.


For more information on the Lounge, please visit my research center location at:



My Journey With the Reststation Lounge (9)

My next session with the Reststation Lounge…

Angel – Duration = 30:28 min

I didn’t feel any vibration.  I kept expecting it and missed it.  There was one crystal bowl – very loud, frequency was off for me.  I found it very annoying, and actually took the headphones off my ears.


There was another spot where I expected the sound and vibration to get lighter and more etheric and it did the exact opposite and got lower and thunderous.


It felt agitating to me.  I could guess it was for grounding to then take it to a higher level, but it felt yucky to me for some reason.  I wanted it to stop.  It felt/sounded like the “da da DA” in a movie or something.  I’ll do a balance because my energy field feels really off in my higher chakras now.


This was completely unexpected for me.  I expected to have a totally different experience.


Same Day

Immediate next session with the Lounge

Chakra Balancing – Duration = 30m


It definitely felt like my chakras were balanced with the sound and vibration of the bed.  However, I still felt a loss in the upper chakras.


I wanted more of the vibration I feel when working with other sound tools like tuning forks and/or bowls when they are placed on the body of a person.  I intend on trying it with a bowl at a later time, or the Chakra Tuning forks for the upper levels.


The Lounge vibration and energy feels like it is targeting the lower physical body and chakras than coming all the way up through the 6th, 7th and 8th chakras.


I’ve since had this conversation with the designer of the Lounge, Gary Ferguson.   We’ve discussed how to include things in the design of the Lounge to bring the sound and vibrational attunement up into the higher levels of the body.


The Meaning of Life?

Yesterday I helped my friend Judy by driving her to physical therapy.  When we got back to her house, I noticed this hanging on the wall.


I think it is an extremely pertinent question for consideration!!    Please share your comments.



Is there anyone besides Judy and I who see the humor in this?  Please let me know.