I started this session with my legs crossed, left over right and could feel vibrations strongly in my calves. From there, it went to my back behind my heart very strong.
I could feel it resonating down my legs and across my mid-back the strongest. I reached the same spot on the sound/frequency program and the system popped and shut down. Twice.
The first time, I thought it was some kind of glitch and maybe I had set things up incorrectly. I couldn’t figure out how, because it is very straightforward and simple to set up and connect to your electronic device.
I was using my laptop and it shut off my computer both times. I went through all the motions to get it back up and running and in the same spot it did it again.
I give up today. I don’t believe in coincidences, so I will try again tomorrow and see if the same thing happens again.
Having been previously diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I thought this might be a good session for me to help heal that issue. If you have this condition, you know it has many, many effects that are unpleasant from extremely dry skin to hair loss, to lack of sleep or constant exhaustion to just name a few.
At first, I just enjoyed the vibrations coming from the Lounge. I had automatically crossed my ankles left over right this time. Within the first two moments of laying down on the Lounge, I could feel the vibrations in my thyroid.
The vibration itself seemed more centered in my hips/legs in the physical Lounge; but I could REALLY feel it in my throat.
It was like it skipped over everything in between and went directly to where it was needed the most to bring my body back into resonance. I fell asleep.
RestStation Lounge
What a lot of people don’t realize when it comes to thyroid issues is it can become pretty common in men when they reach their early fifties. In some cases, men even younger. Many men don’t think of this as a medical issue which can affect them, as it is considered more of a female disease or problem.
Whether you are male or female, having hypothyroidism can be very challenging on a physical level when trying to meet the demands of your life.
I will be doing this session more often to see the long-terms effects I notice on a physical level.
If you would like more information about the RestStation Lounge, please use the contact me form below to express your interest. I’ll follow-up with you as soon as I get the contact.
I really liked this one. The vibration was very strong through my legs, back and bottom. It then built in strength. I went with the music which talked about releasing it all to dolphins and waves and whales. I felt the instructions at the beginning of this one would be helpful for some folks. It helped me realize I could do this shifting and releasing safely and let go of how that would have to happen.
I imagined the sound and vibration as bubbles against my skin and the different world of being underwater. As a scuba diver, I love the weightlessness of floating in water or allowing a current to carry you somewhere effortlessly. There is such beauty around; and literally millions of different beings. When diving, I discovered I breathe differently underwater. I realized I was now breathing that way. Deep, effortless, balanced breaths were coming from my diaphragm.
A few times the intensity was strong. I almost got up to turn it down, but realized I must be shifting something as I had already checked the sound in the beginning. Then it would shift … or I would and we would start over again.
This session felt extremely calming and relaxing and yet invigorating and energizing in a balanced way.
By this time, you might want to know more about the Lounge logistics and the program we offer. Please go to the following link:
Once there, complete the form at the bottom and you will receive additional information on the Lounge and how it works. There is no commitment here, just information. Please let me know if you have done so.
I didn’t feel any vibration. I kept expecting it and missed it. There was one crystal bowl – very loud, frequency was off for me. I found it very annoying, and actually took the headphones off my ears.
There was another spot where I expected the sound and vibration to get lighter and more etheric and it did the exact opposite and got lower and thunderous.
It felt agitating to me. I could guess it was for grounding to then take it to a higher level, but it felt yucky to me for some reason. I wanted it to stop. It felt/sounded like the “da da DA” in a movie or something. I’ll do a balance because my energy field feels really off in my higher chakras now.
This was completely unexpected for me. I expected to have a totally different experience.
Same Day
Immediate next session with the Lounge
Chakra Balancing – Duration = 30m
It definitely felt like my chakras were balanced with the sound and vibration of the bed. However, I still felt a loss in the upper chakras.
I wanted more of the vibration I feel when working with other sound tools like tuning forks and/or bowls when they are placed on the body of a person. I intend on trying it with a bowl at a later time, or the Chakra Tuning forks for the upper levels.
The Lounge vibration and energy feels like it is targeting the lower physical body and chakras than coming all the way up through the 6th, 7th and 8th chakras.
I’ve since had this conversation with the designer of the Lounge, Gary Ferguson. We’ve discussed how to include things in the design of the Lounge to bring the sound and vibrational attunement up into the higher levels of the body.
Today I’m doing two sessions and I chose this one first.
I’ve been feeling my Lymph system needs support for awhile now. I thought this session might help clear some of the side effects from prescribed pharmaceuticals for migraines and nerve pain.
During this session, different phases took me to different levels. The vibrations in the lounge were settled at my hips and butt and down my legs. I could feel the lymph in my groin area and at the top of my thighs vibrate. Other strong lymph areas – under arms, side of throat and lower/length of ribcage didn’t feel the vibrations at this time. I kept waiting for the vibrations to rise up the bed with the sound levels to the upper lymph areas in the body. However, this didn’t happen.
I think crystals could help raise the vibration to the other lymph areas. I’ll share these findings with Gary Ferguson (the designer and manufacturer of the Lounge) and see if any changes could be made to the Lounge or if they have already been made with the newer models. I see potentials to helps with the grid of the energy field flow and attunement with the sound and frequencies of the treatment.
I looked to find a complementary pairing to this session for release on an energetic level. I want to build on one another just as I would in an individual sound session to treat the mind, body, spirit on three energetic levels.
Second Session Today
Addiction – Duration = 23:40
During the beginning of this treatment, I felt extreme agitation. Sound was disruptive and not soothing at all until the waves started coming in.
I felt like something was wrong with the connection and the sound treatment and determined to check it later.
So funny, I just posted this and realized I obviously wasn’t supposed to do the other session on top of the one I had just done. However, that didn’t come clear in the session at all.
(Second Attempt at this Session – Addiction – Duration = 23:40
What a different session this was. It was soothing and calming when I did it on it’s own. I noticed just a humming sound and vibration for the first minute or so, then music/sound and vibration started. I noted different thoughts and feelings coming up and just observed and consciously released.
My focus and objective was to notice, not understand at that moment. I believe addictions are rooted in the emotional body and I am treating whole bodies today – nerves, addictions, and energy body.
What are your beliefs about this? Please comment below…
Honestly, I chose this session because I feel like I am one and might need a tune up in this area. 😊
It felt really long to me. I don’t know if I had it set up right or not. I kept waiting for the vibration which never happened. At one point my entire face and head had a very hot, tight feeling.
I even reached up and touched my face. I feel very tired and am going to lie down. My ears feel tight. This comment sounds weird even to me; and I’m a little dizzy. Although I have been off-balance because of a previous injury.
This makes me realize I’ve had a rebalancing of my energies and a re-alignment of my vibration.
Have you experienced something like this before? How? Please leave a comment below.
January is when you really start to notice colds and flu are everywhere. People are coughing and hacking. They are out sick. Kids are miserable. There is a run on tissue at the supermarket and drugstore. Tips of noses are redder than usual. Eyes are looking a little glassy from over the counter cold/flu medicine. Does it look like this outside?
Baby It’s Cold Outside!
There are ways to support your immune system with sound and tuning forks and I’ll talk about that in a minute. There are also lots of products out there. If I’m being honest, I start with the alternative products. However, if I don’t get better very quickly or stop it in its tracks, then I’m reaching for the first thing that is going to make me feel better. Here I mention some over the counter products that I’ve found to work really well over the years (very few). Then I talk about some alternative products (preference) and lastly, focus on providing sound support with tuning forks (preference) and other sound tools.
Over The Counter Remedies
A product I swear by is Alka Seltzer Plus Cold/Flu. It works!! That’s all I need to know when I can’t breathe, am coughing my brains out, ache all over and can’t get out of bed…yet have too. This acts like a superpower and gets me up and out.
Flonase is another one. When I have the allergy symptoms and my head is so stuffed up, itchy eyes or runny nose, this works. And it works for an extended period after initial dosage, which is awesome.
I’m partial to Airborne if I can catch it early enough. You have to take this at the first tickle. Seriously. If you are going to travel, take it before you go and keep taking it while you are around all those folks who are coughing and hacking.
Another good idea to start taking on a regular basis is Emergen-C. This will increase your vitamin C and minerals. If you’re like me and can’t drink orange juice, then this is a good source.
Non-Traditional Products
Products that are healthier for you to use and easier on the environment:
Thieves, Essential Oil
Thieves essential oil is a product that contains clove, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus radiata, and rosemary. You can get it at Amazon.com or Young Living Essential Oils. (If you are ordering, my number is Distributor #1111320)
I have a cup of hot water with thieves oil in it at the door to my house. When you come into my home, I have an entry room with plants and then you step into the kitchen. On the counter above the sink is where my thieves oil/water mix sits. Thieves will neutralize germs. That way anyone who walks in with a cold will have their germs neutralized in my house.
I remember last year when my daughter came to visit and she was pretty sick with a cold. I put a small bowl of Thieves oil and water next to where she was sleeping. She felt better the next morning and her symptoms were much better in two days.
I’ve also put Thieves oil in a bowl or pan of hot water and inhaled it with a towel over my head. You have to be careful with Thieves. If you put it on your body directly, it can be too hot and burn. For instance, I thought I’d try it under my nose. My nose was running a lot and the steam with Thieves helped. So I thought, well maybe if I put a drop under my nose that will help more. Don’t do it!! It works in the water because it is diluted. Full strength will burn your tender nasal passages. You can dilute Thieves in essential oil or olive oil/avocado oil as a base carrier to put on your body. I tend to use coconut oil for things like this too.
When I travel, I take a small spray bottle with drops of thieves in it and water. I spray my hands and spray my energy field with it. This works better and is healthier for you than hand sanitizer. Sanitizer contains a lot of alcohol and can raise havoc with your skin especially in the winter time. I call it my “protection spray”. The really good part of it is the way it smells. It smells like cinnamon and baking.
Another great product is Rescue Remedy. You can buy this at most health food stores. It works for people and animals. The main effect I notice is that it calms me down and gives me a greater sense of well-being. Very helpful for stress. I don’t know anything more stressful than not feeling good and having to function as if you are!
I also recommend Epsom Salt Baths. It helps to remove toxins and nothing feels like a hot bath when you can’t seem to get warm.
Forks for Immune System Balancing and Energizing
When I’m getting ill, the first thing I want to do is provide support for my organs, glands and immune system. I’ll do an endocrine tune up using Om Unison or Om Octave tuning forks. You can also use Otto tuning forks for this. The endocrine glands are Pineal, Pituitary, Thyroid, Thymus, Islets of Langerhans (Pancreas), Adrenals, Gonads or Ovaries. I’ll tend to spend longer on the Thymus (helps the immune system), and Adrenals.
OM octave
The Om forks (or Otto) are for balancing and grounding. When I’m sick, I don’t even want to be in my body. I tend to sleep a lot. I think that’s so I can leave my body and travel on the astral plane and feel good vs. sick. Om forks will help to ground me in my body and provide balancing support for those systems that are ‘out of whack’ due to my cold/flu.
I also want to provide support, so I’ll work directly on some of my organs. I’ll use New Moon 6th (C&G) which creates an opening and Om Unison or Om Octave for balancing and grounding. I’ll focus on providing support for my kidneys, liver, lungs and spleen.
Solar 7 forks will provide heat, help to dry up mucus, provide spleen and adrenal support.
Solar 7 forks
It will help:
the circulatory system,
any disorders due to where you live and lack of light (seasonal effective disorder),
to strengthen the immune system,
to eliminate cold symptoms.
If you are experiencing a lack of energy it will help with this;
as well as arthritis which tends to get worse in the winter months.
Lastly, I would use Mars and Venus forks.
Mars/Venus Forks
Mars/Venus is representative of the masculine/feminine balance. The vibration of Mars helps with blood, the head, muscles, inflammation, male hormones and the immune systems. Venus helps with balance and proportion. Venus rules copper and is associated with kidneys, bladder, parathyroid, glands, anti-inflammatory action, and female hormones. I’d be using these forks to restore and rejuvenate, to bring back balance between the male/female and giving/receiving. I’d tend to use these as I start to feel better.
What do you do when you are feeling under the weather? How do you help yourself to feel better? If you have a chance to try any of the above things that I do and use, please let me know? I’d love to hear about your experiences. Do you have a product that you swear by? Please share it with us if you do.
I thought I’d take a minute today to let you in on a little secret. Sounds Like Health is NOT just about sound instruments and tools for health and well-being.
I believe in the WHOLE-ness of a person. That includes body, spirit, energy, mental status and well-being in general. It also includes being attuned to your physical environment and how that might be affecting you on a personal level.
Because this is my philosophy, you will see posts from me that include everything from sound instruments and healing techniques to poetry. I include some astrological and numerology information to include the cosmos as that definitely effects our day to day lives.
Think for a minute about the moon cycles and the tides. Everyone knows that on the full moon the tides are higher than other times of the month. Why is that? Because the moon is closer and the electromagnetic effect is pulling the water out in a bulge towards the direction of the moon.
How does this relate to you? Seriously??
Women get monthly menstrual periods and the full moon can and will affect that. You might notice a heavier flow. You might notice that ‘bulge’ in your lower abdomen in the form on water weight gain. You might notice a rhythm to your cramping.
You can suffer in silence. Ya right! We ARE women correct? Or you can do some things to help yourself. You might take a pain reliever for the cramping and bloating. You might use a heating pad on your belly. You might lay down. You could take an Epsom Salt bath with some essential oils to help you relax and de-stress.
And contrary to popular belief, the moon cycles affect the men and children in our lives too. It affects your mood. Have you noticed people acting crazy at the full moon? Have you noticed shorter tempers or more acting out?
So what can we do with sound to help?
You can HUM! Do you remember as children we were always making sounds? Listen to your own children and you will see that they are rarely quiet. They are laughing, chattering away, singing or humming.
When you were a child you hummed. It is one of the easiest ways to balance your entire system and you can do it anywhere without tools. Your voice is your tool. Your body is your speaker or resonator. Take a minute with me right now and hum. You can hum with your mood – happy or sad.
The benefits of humming are HUGE! It helps to balance and align the bodies (all of them). It helps you to feel good. It vibrates your internal bodies (big and small) and releases stagnation. It can change your mood.
You can do it in public. Others might join you in humming. You can go incognito with humming and do it softly so no one notices. Or you can loudly hum to invite others to join you. You can hum a known tune or make one up. You can be creative with your humming!
I will always try to include something that relates what I’m sharing back to sound and well-being or WHOLE-ness of being. But that might not always be the case. Sometimes I might just put a poem that I wrote up for you to share in that experience with me.
I will definitely continue to share and hopefully some of that will be helpful to you.
Maybe it might even invite you to share some of the things that you don’t often share with others too.
Thanks for being with me today. I’ll post a humming video shortly.
Have you ever driven by a store and had the thought, “I need to stop in there.”?
Well, there is this one place, EurAsian Interiors on Broadway in Denver, CO that I happened to drive by frequently over the last 3 years. Every time I saw it, I had the thought I’d like to go in there and look around.
Never happened.
Three days ago, I was driving past it again headed home. I heard the voice in my head (you KNOW the one I’m talking about!) say quite loudly…Time to STOP and check it out.
I tend to pay attention to that voice. So I turned around and went back. When I tried to go in the door stuck. I thought it might not be open, but pushed harder and it did.
It was like stepping back in time to Europe/Asia or transporting there immediately. The shop was filled with treasures.
I walked around for a bit and spotted this gong. It’s from Beijing China. I asked a salesperson, who was present but not pushy, if I could play it. She said sure.
When I picked up the mallet to see what kind of sound we could make together, I heard a male voice in the background (behind a screen) say, “Sure, go ahead and bang on it. I do.” I replied that I was a sound healer and it might be a different experience.
As I began tapping the gong with the mallet there was a multitude of tones that started to make themselves known. The sound was enticing and inviting and captivating. My breath became easier and I immediately knew that I was there for this gong.
I asked if they had others… NO …
I checked the price and had the thought, “anything is possible.”
So I went in search of the male voice behind the screen and found the owner, Rusty. He agreed that no one had played the gong quite the way I had before and was intrigued by what I do.
We talked for a bit and I asked the question, “What is the lowest price you’ll take for the gong?” He said he had to think about it a bit and crunch some numbers.
I went looking around the rest of the shop and thought to myself, “What is the highest price I will pay for the gong?” An immediate number came to mind.
About 10 minutes later the owner came over and named his price. You probably guessed it by now. It was the exact number that came to my mind before.
I couldn’t have planned this stuff! The Universe definitely had a hand in this gong coming to live with me and be a part of my sound tool family.
I made arrangements to pick it up the next day. When I got home I grabbed someone walking by to help me get it in the house. I did a clearing on the gong and moved other sound tools around it to energetically attune them before making and sounds.
Here is the gong in HER new home. Definitely feminine! Definitely happy! Unbelievable full spectrum sounds.
Stay tuned for a gong bath sound healing video for the holidays ….